Types of Design Patterns supported

Types of Design Patterns Supported

1. Command Pattern:

The Command pattern allows you to encapsulate requests as objects, enabling you to parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undo operations. For example, a "CreateUserCommand" can encapsulate the request to create a new user, including all the necessary data such as username, email, and password. Here's an example JSON payload for a CreateUserCommand:

"command": "CreateUser", "username": "john_doe", "email": "john@example.com","password": "p@ssw0rd" }

2. Observer Pattern:

The Observer pattern facilitates communication between objects by establishing a one-to-many relationship, where multiple observers are notified of any state changes in a subject. For example, a "StockPriceSubject" can notify multiple observers when the price of a particular stock changes. Here's an example JSON payload for a StockPriceSubject:

"subject": "StockPrice", "stock": "AAPL", "price": 150.23 }

3. Factory Pattern:

The Factory pattern provides an interface for creating objects without specifying their concrete classes. It encapsulates the object creation process and allows you to create different instances based on specific requirements. For example, a "ShapeFactory" can create different shapes such as circles, squares, or triangles based on the input specifications. Here's an example JSON payload for creating a Circle using the ShapeFactory:

"factory": "ShapeFactory", "type": "Circle", "radius": 5 }

4. Proxy Pattern:

The Proxy pattern allows you to create a surrogate or placeholder for another object, controlling access to the original object and providing additional functionality. For example, a "ImageProxy" can handle the retrieval and caching of images, ensuring efficient access and reducing network requests. Here's an example JSON payload for retrieving an image using the ImageProxy:

"proxy": "ImageProxy", "url": "https://example.com/image.jpg" }

5. Decorator Pattern:

The Decorator pattern enables you to add behavior to an object dynamically, without modifying its original structure. It allows you to wrap an object with one or more decorators, providing additional functionality or modifying existing behavior. For example, a "TextDecorator" can add formatting options to a plain text document. Here's an example JSON payload for decorating a text document:

"decorator": "TextDecorator", "text": "Hello, World!", "format": "bold" }

6. Chain of Responsibility Pattern:

The Chain of Responsibility pattern establishes a chain of processing objects, where each object has the ability to handle a specific type of request. If one object cannot handle the request, it passes it to the next object in the chain. For example, a "PaymentProcessor" chain can handle payment requests, with each processor responsible for a specific payment method. Here's an example JSON payload for processing a payment request:

"processor": "PaymentProcessor", "amount": 100, "currency": "USD", "method":"CreditCard" }

7. Template Method Pattern:

The Template Method pattern defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a base class, with specific steps implemented by derived classes. It allows you to define the overall structure of an algorithm while providing flexibility for customizing certain steps. For example, a "DocumentProcessor" can have a template method for processing different types of documents, with specific steps for parsing, validating, and extracting data. Here's an example JSON payload for processing a document:

"processor": "DocumentProcessor", "document": "sample.docx" }

8. Singleton Pattern:

The Singleton pattern ensures that only one instance of a class exists throughout the application. It provides a global point of access to the instance, allowing other objects to easily interact with it. For example, a "Logger" class can be implemented as a singleton to ensure consistent logging across the application. No example JSON payload is required for this pattern as it focuses on managing the instance creation and access.

These design patterns supported by Composable Studio offer flexible and reusable solutions to common integration challenges, and you can leverage their capabilities by designing and configuring your designs accordingly, consume the AI-generated code and modify as needed.

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