🧞‍♂ī¸Create API Test

Conektto's Autonomous API Test Studio

Upload API specification, connect data store, let Conektto's NLP engine does the magic of attributes to entity mapping, you are now ready to publish and create your API test harness.

Log in to Conektto

  1. Go to www.conektto.io. The Conektto page displays.

  2. Select Sign up/Login.The Conektto Login/Sign up page displays.

  3. Select Continue with Linkedin. The Linkedin Login page displays.

  4. Enter Email ID and Password, and select Sign in. The Conektto Authenticator page displays.

  5. Select Allow. The Conektto API project page displays that allows you to create an API project.

Create a Test API Project

  1. Follow instructions from 1 to 6 in the Log in to Conektto section.

  2. Select Test Studio. The Test API Project page displays.

  3. Select Create New API Project. The Create API Project page displays.

  4. Enter the API Name and select Upload to upload the specification file.

  5. Select the Connect Database tab.

  6. Select SQL Server as the Server Type.

  7. Enter in the Host field and 1433 in Port field.

  8. Enter Username, Password, and Database.

    Note: Select Over SSL checkbox to upload Key, Certificate, and CA Certificate.

  9. Select the Invite Collaborators tab to enter name of people in the Invite users to collaborate.

    Note: Select skip for now if you do not want to enter any collaborator's name.

  10. Select Next.

Video Overview

Check out a video overview of our product below.

Create your API tests

✅From Conektto dashboard, Click on "Create New API"

✅ Click on Test Studio dialog

✅ Type a name for your API Test Project

Upload Spec

✅Upload API Specification (JSON)

Upload your desired API Specification for which you would like to build tests.

If you would like to try out our examples, select "Use default BikeStore Spec" and click Next to add collaborators.

Connect Database

✅Click Next to connect your database

Select Database Server Type, and provide host credentials for the desired database under test. You may also choose to connect to your database through SSL. You are required to upload your SSL certificates if you choose to do so. Click "Test" to test the database connection. If you have trouble in connecting the database, check "Support" section for additional details.

Invite Collaborators

✅Click on "Invite Collaborators"

APIs are no good designed, built or tested in silos. Invite your desired users or stakeholders that you would like to share the API test project by providing their email id. The respective users will get an email with a link for collaboration.

✅Click on "Done" to continue with collaborators or "Skip for now" to add collaborators later

✅ Conektto's engine now scans your API schema, your database, runs our patent pending NLP matching process before loading your API test studio designer.

⚠ī¸This process may take several minutes based on the complexity of your schema, database and volume of data.

✅ After successful scanning and matching, you will be presented with Test Studio with all your schema resources pre-loaded with RestAPI contracts as well as established matches as Full Match, Partial Match or No Match

How Conektto's matching logic works?

Conektto scans:

ℹī¸ API schema attributes, data types, components, paths and operations

ℹī¸Database schema, entities, relationship, order and sequence as well as samples data

Conektto NLP based matcher:

ℹī¸Extracts the natural language from the scanned information, matches that based on the meta data components like data type, pattern, descriptive information as well as use language / dictionary library to find meaning and relevancy

ℹī¸When able to establish a match, provides a FULL MATCH with actual matched entity (table and column).

ℹī¸When partially able to establish a match with one or many, provides a PARTIAL MATCH along with entity recommendations

ℹī¸When inconclusive, marks as NO MATCH

User override

ℹī¸Users can override Conektto recommended match by custom selection of entities.

ℹī¸Select the schema and respective attribute. Click on the Full,Partial or No Match icon to examine the actual match or override as desired.

Examine Schema and Simulate payload

✅Visually examine the Schema

Inspect the operations pre-loaded from the Schema and examine for correctness and completeness of RestAPI operations and contracts.

✅Visually simulate the payload

ℹī¸Click "SEND" to simulate the request, response payload structure.

Pre-Publish: Validations and Mapping

After confirming the contracts, click "Publish"

Publish action prepares your API contracts, schema and entities selected for validation against OpenAPI standards as well as mapping complex business logic.

✅ Validations

Conektto assures thorough validation of API standards. The following are various levels of validations if not addressed, your publish would fail:

  1. Naming conventions

  2. Descriptions, optional and mandatory parameters

  3. Correctness of Operations and components

  4. Completeness of Operations Status codes

  5. Bare minimum structure of a RestAPI contract (Header, Request Body, Response Body)

🛑Mandatory mappings

ℹī¸For Conektto to publish API test artifacts, schema attributes are required to be mapped with database entities. You will be prompted with below mandatory mapping steps:

⚠ī¸Select appropriate attributes and respective entities to be mapped. Click "Save and Publish"

✅ Business logic: Relationship, joins and filters

⚠ī¸Conektto allows users to validate existing entity relationships. Where the database is not normalized, you are able to define custom mapping between the entities. Additionally users can create Filter conditions for the API.

✔ī¸Derived Entity Maps - preloaded maps based on database schema scanning

✔ī¸User Defined Entity Maps - custom maps defined by user

✔ī¸Filters - custom filter conditions annotated by user

⚠ī¸You will be prompted to confirm the database host credentials for final domain model validation.

✅Completing Publish

ℹī¸Click "Publish". Conektto will create your Autonomous API Test Harness ready to be downloaded from the Dashboard.

Last updated